The King First's Love
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Every night, the hanbok man with scholar hanbok from Joseon era appeared in alley at Hanyangdoseong or Fortress Wall of Seoul. The man always waited a woman with office suits that through the alley in her way to go to home after working. The woman named was Lee Ji Hyun. The hanbok man known her name accidentally through her company ID card. When looked Ji Hyun, that hanbok man just stared at her. However, Ji Hyun never realized that hanbok man’s presence because she always walked with head down.

One day, the hanbok man saw Ji Hyun get drunk after spent 3 bottles of beer. Ji Hyun stood up in front of the hanbok man but her eyes look the wall. Slowly, she climbed to the fortress wall and sit there. Ji Hyun said nonsense things about her exhausting life. She started to crying and screaming about her feelings. The hanbok man just observed her but his heart felt sadness due to her condition.

Suddenly, Ji Hyun stood up at the wall and make a move seems jump to the under wall. The hanbok man which shocked with her action, with courageously pulled the Ji Hyun’s body to go down from wall. They fallen into the ground.

“Why do you save me?” Ji Hyun’s face looked so tired “Who’re you?” Ji Hyun started to smack the hanbok man’s body.

The hanbok man didn’t move “Why do you run your life l...

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