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Chapter #3
A Flock of Demon Hunters
Bagikan Chapter
Chapter ini masih diperiksa oleh kurator
A941 sc7weeke8c r01passed0j3 9v3later.5uv wa4Inh3i 4zhthe9nm erkhouseqjr n85ofibk afjthev5j a8cAdhiwangsa
v0q ak7noblek6b 06dassociation,0ne k31manygdo j6hdelegateslhn 0miwerefy9 5mkgathering.mt9 zk0They35x bgmdiscussed035 kurimportantp1f bm6mattersk51 42iofds6 dozgovernmentqcb t5lbetweentzq mkisectszs7 3psand9d0 x6ptheuoz lv2affairs0hm gqoof7mj 58clocal6g4 rckcitizens.9m1 nsdAt3kx 57ethe9ky t07endehw qy9ofdeh opqtheqbe vlumeeting,124 6gqtheto7 49jtopicq79 59iofztv m86conversation0xy g3kturnedyhr x9htotri kzoonehkd rtsofoml w21theofk 6xhmenm4u i5hwho3go o0ndid07n 1gknotpme d1sreturnt0d o1kaftermya 6usbeingd63 rygsentk35 jsltolm4 w4naccompany49k 28dthei65 mt4noble'slj7 w9odaughter.
"Isuk9 w5iitc7g kowtrue65u mevthat6lm zvoour40g z9bmissingij6 trjsoldierkgn 1l7was38m 1ucnamedo7f lpxRakai6t 1s6Galih?"64j bk0anarm hxeAdhiwangsa3dq byhLeader
whs hdvasked09b 2dnthe0gk la3councilqbm 7mamembers.ndr xypMeanwhile,wkr uleothers9m8 xuwpaye5c mn2attention2sl x7htof7i 064the3e0 7v4problemsvw6 zumthatoxq 4hnare76n ceqhappening.
"That'sn61 nfsright,2dq ghzSiresbf rk6Sir,"uoa vquseveralf12 zusmembersx94 07doftu4 tkcthewvb 7p5councilsdy mijconfirmed.
"We've1de cd1beenl1c 41blookingh82 5xffor2k8 5b8himgri cousincegcr nawlastgv2 e2gweek,"1pt x51aef0 aifcouncil41f tg3chairmanze5 4r0said.
"He4qf f9ois12y 1xu19vsb qrxyearsau9 iudold.7s6 a1kHeh1f ka1was657 bosrecentlyv68 g80appointed03l enbas3st xp3leaderrq4 rluofrsa ab3the84u f4mpalacezmc w9sguardaxm p2yunit,"f1q aiwheh2a b0yadded,iwe x2kcompletingnm7 jh5thefuv l04identity73o am5ofiuz iq2thec3i xrqpersonv0e xf8being78w is3discussed.
"Witnesses39m khpsaidl4c dkqthat9ej 2egbeforeafn xnvhezqh 3bkdisappeared,ng8 hz5helx6 k0paccompaniedd2f mkaatz2 wrlyoung86s 04rwomanr7c 19binsae 07ua4xu unhredd9u gwidressvnc iv7whopvb tsuhappened9vd 0iktozxh l41benua rdfcrossingtq0 0s4the0p7 mswpathbr7 y86at7i6 x6dthe8r9 k8cedgexcs e97of90o l0gthetpd gp5forest,"wg2 c8vanotherzj2 0l5persony4f 1hbadded.
Thenrdt e29Padukafjn 6mfAdhiwangsa,pk2 6jpwhoprm lpxchairedq1r 76otheafy zt0meeting,3ns tqnimmediatelyk7n 8u7announcedzx5 oc7anaj9 5p0importantr8e lkcwarningr2w wd2regardingci6 sikthisg1m b5vstrangegpn ls7incident.
"Don'tviu 0ykcrossrki i1jthevka 76oforestde0 yqmalone.p0e ijpDon'to18 25ytravel3m9 h49farcq0 ev4intoy7x 2rxthe57e 6usnight.fmt 4vjBeykh tr5carefulw8v zyewhenxgr s0ryou6ry 9bcmeetfcy spbaao1 jngforeign1t6 uwjwoman075 qzswho4t5 4k7looksqal zbpbeautifulmkj 6j4in2qi 5pvao14 xroredycm 10tdress."
Hisg0j 1aeMajestyqcv 6m8wastb7 5palost4g3 cxhinsp4 wyhhis9zn knvthoughtsonm jehon4tk gbiprevious07p 41sstoriesl0v t9ethatcou wieweregjw yepoftends6 g3mtold3ni lcvfromj2u 81jgeneration9qt ed6tonvs grugenerationh6w qzsbyr9f idjhisnar ibtancestors.6vf 4xjSorob 7qxhe5h6 w0risnfd pa6surezsk qg0he2kc 8fwknows5o4 nkvthecro vqostory871 vzahundredsliv lwjofqj1 6tyyears21h uvtagoptf b0nfromj6p av7hisyw6 prxgreat-grandfather.hk2 qx1Thatdb7 708was68e 39yadyq 0x8longs9k a8itime4s5 ar8ago.
'Couldfqn q5jthew5u yz6legendqlp 50hofws1 c30thewsq 3g1redhc8 yifgirloqk k3happearjcz ticagainmcy 9zlafter3l4 qv1hundreds81y 0a8of38b 674yearsk4n q6nof5td py9disappearance?'kjh ap0
Hisakj 3zvMajesty'sjzn g2yeyesrcz 3rzwere7m1 t4sclosed,6ol g02hisrv8 047lipsx69 sayutteringbk2 dhethekay n35famousxn4 batwordss89 ui9of752 nufthedzl i4mpast.
"Redmah k47Girl."
Raka1mp 6wfGalih's5vp 3postoryf2p moiisfgk yd6swallowed0vs 3xaupyq0 b2sby38x 92jrumors1do 0yhabout1tr qogthe4kx x5dmysterious3rp ncbReds08 uw4Girl.hzx nhcPassede8x gwldownius x10tod25 saztherx9 y3inext46m wvcgeneration.zvf sf5Younggkj 2u6menfwa wqpRaka'sy7k zi4age,ski g93lost7d8 nlpinj1u fzathe4gf zunLegendz9o hc6ofhrs 3eathevwf 61gRedfzh 20oGirl.
"Ish8j kb3itz5o iqytrueinz qmpthatb5v 3pdyou0j9 nm3believe5vh br2ink6a dtltheptd 3m5existence9ea 246ofs17 b8tthenw9 o5yRed95x mt7Devilsten t9kin659 v0wthegz6 bg3Adhiwangsaymu 1tdSectw9q pu1area?"u0z y1ethe95j 46umosta4e qtvinfluential8ni 2riperson,15v j6baskedl1c u91hisdcm sivsevenvhs be3subordinates.
"That'sze8 romright,z4u ho0Sir,"pia zxiansweredeu8 n2uonemsk 3pbof5n2 gebmen.
Theyunf wsuwere1oj 708the5am n5pMayapadhil1k 6ptpeople.j1r hyvAj2b 3t4smalld24 w9gunitfi0 iy0of3dy 8g4theq5z 978warriorszf3 eg0especially35v yd6themu2 nasmastero6t woxhuntera60 fm8inp14 au5thex0s vu2businessche cwpof5u7 3eqconqueringtfa 28natos fcikind0b3 vwaofqu3 893Satanutv hvcandg2a sk1Demon.t15 tieSpecifically,1bp z23theyowj dawwerezwq vanhiredcsw w9tto4wd 1tksolvedf6 nogthenv4 rjdproblems4fz 86pofi1s 94xthe50v 1uklastrno pkifewt3w i8emonths.
"Theree8h gqtisvqe lxbnopjc hnpdoubtmez 8n6thatuqy ow5thew31 oc8Redtus gxiDevils8ox ktlare7wj 71krunnings8m fmvrampantd0v 0f1again,"9de n0krepliedj7s m3oanotherhzn 4wjperson,o36 qrmreinforcing1t7 qutthekyd 9igstatement.
Theyeas i7xareqpi m9zThewdn 2fbFiveswh d0rSwordsnga x83Allianceuj4 ka9whichpjk gfjbecomes476 25varxg iedteame1z ujiofiua vf2expertslr8 k02inuvp jzxconqueringe91 1teenemies,jgv lb9both6c9 9z6amongvnr pifjinns1vd g2iand0p6 w0hhumans,lvt epmunitedv9m qgpinhvz r8da7ax txaspecialb1r 4oqtrackingjy0 g8mteamw9u wpgfor4hw 4j6the145 d18case7mv 7fhofo2a 2svthet0c gb1disappearancesip e4iof693 8vqPrajajqv e6yRakaw3a p5xGalih.r37 c2zTheemh e6pmostx7r bj1powerfulkb6 2kpleader7x2 bn3inb3n rhnthejyg of3teamq3t ofwand72i km3hasau1 c49ther5v exghighestl7y ycxknowledge,y9i p2fhesw2 crniso84 holnamed Yatvarra.
Yatvarrautl lrsis1dq c0ftall,qg8 58kwearingbkp 9bgwhitedot 4tjclothes6oe 6z9likez76 3hfa7ks zqwhermitfwi jb1covereda2j ms2inusc szjthint5z 1ktsilvervlh mnqarmorzc2 ymothat0tx 5wvisvmj om4strongcnk chtandgn7 1wfhashk4 gh6magical3y6 hdkpowers.91s 23sThefda f5hswordeq6 cvyweaponqxm zktint84 18this0mr 3m8hand,x3s t3cphysicallyf6c t7hlooks2g6 ntblikebpz 9uxaxqy ne1shinydmr mdqsword.6be r3gHowever,3vw 56ythe8ru vbwdeadly8j0 07wlegendcad 124ofz95 82ztheyir nimswordgrw wnzamong9n4 0e9theqxp ohqMayapadhi,d9n m2nmakest4e nqiYatvarra6rw x6lfeared86e 5irandf0d 3p1respected.u72 kacThe0na s14man'sb2j ijvhairltq yzlis7cf kjbrolledpcd 08iup,hop 3a0thefl1 rw8restoce d3mis05u ryfloosecph wvulong2d8 kqwtonra 4lybeyondskv po4theqgu ox3back.rt2 d4jAxy5 gdhcharacteristic4ws 4kjofzag 1puaac0 p6xMayapadhio5u jwbmanmhd jelwhoorj fv9isb8a 79tknownbgt d76asjxn t56devoutnk9 ue3worship8nz gfkandwps b86hecmz n1uhas0r2 g2uhighi5m fkjspiritualmyi eonknowledge.
Yatvarra,5z0 h17followedo13 7w0byxvf y3ma38q i7ogrouptvi bgnofien 4jepeople9pw 10win90l 95hthe940 qenFive9ad feuSwordslbr 96cGuild04b 6dmteam,g5s 53bmovedusm yfqthrough7if c64thetxa cwqdepthsnty bkeofvol 3pfthe2dz 4ufcoldq9w 9bsforest.wf3 q9lYatvarra,bnz chyfollowedj0w hxlby8tn qavah81 l9bgroupfls qaroffhp xdmpeopleo5u wg1inkuo mvatheql6 l4wFiveqk4 9hnSwordsef7 vfhAlliancec1m gwrteam,47z 5scmovedb9a bcnthrough50k di9the69b mqsdepthsz1a msqoffy3 ivsthe6fd 6r8colddam k0vforest.fwz p9rThere8l3 svlwereqw7 swldozensvd6 31hof7gh l0bthem.t58 guhSpreadgub ofdouttfr ip1inmla eg8fiveiup fuwdirections8iy ry1inuxb ugjformation4r3 bfabyhwt vqdwalking.dur 1oxExploringkrc dezdensewao zq3bushesuhb 98kanduj0 rzqthornyra1 w4tbushes.53w 07kPenetratinghc0 f1xlargeeb1 4wbtrees.91w hfaStrong,g16 7roagile,gac 4f8slipperyq4u jfzfootsteps,0ke jwfbreakingvih 4hjthroughu90 t7sthen59 1shsharpnessxg2 th8ofbu3 3yothe4td lpydense4n2 mxvandizj ahgpainfulwy6 p19foresthfe 01oterrain.
Untily3u 8p7atbid ud0oneb58 rszpoint,qap e81thezu1 c2swindbhg 93sblew16x c16for5kt ozva8ah h83moment.h1v sopA74e vtaredf54 yh9shadowmuo awkshroudedybi qkwthew9r bxlinvisibleayh xb0world.c5g tehAvfd bpydimyrc hpcresidencew3c sacwasah9 dnyvisiblejzw endbehindpyv bmotheuxc jqvspellfct ifpchanted5xj eloby17n 0myYatvarra.
Adcn vutfistuf5 v3wof1nr qovhiszlx jyfpalmfm2 vcsalongl2u xkzwithjbn ml7thekib zy5spellbqh ku8wasjks x61thrownes9 terintoew5 f3hthe612 z0ntransparent2r6 iwtwall.rdf tiqThenmw0 6cga6kn clmloudx6h nj4crackingr3m 08hsound5su 9iewasacs iueheard,c1m i5pdeafening.1zq 9gqA78s akpthick43m 4c9magical287 tnmauramv2 u5gwas2wf to6felti7t 804enveloping.
"Becarefull!tix 1f7Wepq2 za1aremjk zo8enteringbl0 ayptheulm 4a9invisiblemly ud3world!"4nx y23Yatvarrafd5 5wishoutedx9t 1yjtopu7 0dtallg8z kjpofjg0 s1psoldiers.
*flm rjc*byd 0o4*
A unit of soldiers or official warriors in the government of a sect or regional representative in power
A unit of soldiers or official warriors in the government of a sect or regional representative in power
Chapter Sebelumnya
Chapter 2
Old Legend Comes True
Chapter Selanjutnya
Terakhir diperbarui: 6 bulan 2 minggu lalu
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Di Balik Layar
Lu Xia Tong
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All The Things I've Done To Save You
Promise, That You'll be Promise Me
Jika Langit Jingga
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Beautiful Widow 'Sake' Seller
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Good(bye) Happiness
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