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Helpful Tips Of Preventing COVID-19
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Read the difference between and use of lift-up and hydraulic storage beds.

● First and common suggestion- Don't go out without a mask. And try to avoid going outside without any necessary reason and keep social distance. Keep sanitizing your hands and belongings while you are outside. Immediately wash your hands after coming back home.

● Keep an Oximeter at your place and regularly measure the spo2 level, it is not less than 95. If it is then you need to take medical help immediately. Wear medical id bracelets if you already have severe conditions.

● Every morning have 4-5 overnight soaked almonds, keep the almonds in water overnight and consume them in the morning. It will boost up your immunity.

● If you have already been caught up by viruses, drink 1 full-size coconut water every day for at least 7 days, it will raise up your immunity level.

● There are 2-3 medicines which you need to take to boost up your immunity faster 'Limcee"- for vitamin C, 'Bicasul Z"- for vitamin B complex and zinc and another one is Multivitamin capsules. Take 1 dose of each every day.

● Again if you are caught up by the virus and have fewer symptoms take the above-shared medicines and along with these add Azee-500 as an antibiotic to control the infection in the lungs.

● If you feel feverish, take paracetamol only if the temperature rises more than 100° F. Medical bracelets will help call for help immediately and share all the relevant medical information.

● Now the last but the elixir to get safe from covid is steam inhaling, take steam 3-4 times in a day for 5-7 mins. This will kill the virus.

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[ Medical ID bracelets]
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[ Medical ID bracelets]
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