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Chapter #1
I Love You. Yesterday, Now, and Forever
Bagikan Chapter
Ever2qc ckwsinceqrz b53ancienttox 98vtimes,g80 h1isincekot vbpthet2n rz2agea47 deyofjhi 3w5godsp9t a7zand6ox 1qmmonsters,28z 3s2ame0 ibzpromiset0y ynror5cw x27a vow
hasyn2 fp1alwaysdsu yhcbeenbjd cqvthoughtpv3 ag1tomja m1rbebn9 l2esacred.68t 37nAf9p ivdpactx6s kizbetween9n5 45etwoyso 6joorcnh sqzmoreetj 6t5humans.hiw zbcNeverckp fpjtoxcr bowbe5wm x46brokenitx tzanorhea xe5betrayed.tsc 9ksNo7ha uyronexb9 vzdcangat 23echangehn3 6rhit.j2q gkuNotf6r phweven49z nztthelix arfgods.
Avez r6lvowbga minwasgkj x1fusuallynu3 jymspokensab eh9formyz qotimportantqxt qw6matters,phe qs2as3y8 tkmthejlx p70price6ki avgfors6h xdobreakingwf6 ozronewv1 mqcwould316 k4nbe2ka ctpeithere7q 7vydeathti5 31corwf8 rdxa0jf p82curseac4 6fmthatobf 435wouldaf0 3fbmake38j zedyouabd 54rprefer5su gyqdeath.vd6 n3qNodr7 rz3oney8i 3lywantskci b5jtoxa9 nbrpayqof 5ixsuch0u5 mwoa7wq p4rheavy8fz 5laprice.
So,qm7 yqowhy06n 96visux3 ivkitb94 tynthat4sm 29nI'mcg2 moastanding16c d01herefds x6hwith4hr 7y2thisz10 jn0fool?
Leahd7y oqunarrowedn72 iaoherrs6 reaeyesajg szatowardsj4q kj8thekf4 oycboytzr qbibeforeqsl 9kfher,v07 hz3herivw 4edlips89b liqtwitchingh7e 6fndownwards5sj 0mbintqp bnsannoyance.y1r jzl"Oliver.84o wr6Youkjb qy0donam jaerealizekq6 0ymthe4r8 hncpricespy xjrtol1f respayy6u z09should4nq oscyoum9j fkeeverp85 nfmbreakj71 e34suchkvd ubjahpn 1o8sacredh84 1pything?"
Thed7s 081boy3em 9u4beforepk3 vflher, Oliver, flinched5j6 v1cwhen8s6 boaheon2 l61heard609 9n1herc4b 2y0annoyancelvm kj7lacedezd isvwords.uaw 2f9Helsv ec0scratchedyel pusthe1tq w35backet8 qe6ofj2s e5lhisxkn nbhheaddsm w78nervously,vf1 ozb"I-rsy la7Yes,bpf y9eI8xa 410do.0gi vgcBut,u5b b5rI...qkj 9c1Ip8v n3wjust4wi uqfwanth81 k3hto2jy i13makevgt wufsureh4l 9n0youg19 zmwknowr70 dr2thatotu w8rI'mzy0 5fgserious8yk 2zyaboutoyc s8eus,wyx 4h7Leah!27l bmhThisw2z zdyvowuko 38wwillhxk r2hmakemjz mlusurec8g vzmthatljw kgzI'll0q4 1usneveroic zs6betrayhev olnyou!"7d2 75lHeo76 ndrlifts2rb mfkhism6y 9qdeyes,m0h 45zbefore0sz nctavertingnc3 4ckthemmle 53magain7ft vltwhenx4z 4behe4bd 3u9saws3h yogthose gorgeously9dv fj5calculating
eyesncu 1viofrau 61rhersxh2 j3othatmgt 23jhemzh 4eghadli2 9dkfallenz43 qfmforc1u 968since7yp 2nqthe82n w4vfirst1ov pvitime65q 6metheyb85 36umet.
Leahs4e 70hliftsz2o ol3anr5m wafeyebrowu4l l2uat79x o3qhisc7p 28cstatement,ux9 htocrossing1np ormherwxt uy2arms.j30 hlk"Aregqp xgeyouuf0 gp6going?"8lb 51kHeroz2 ayubrowng0j naheyes38z sovhadq3w gnkturnedvnt 1pdates s41shadeuf2 tmodeeper,6np xk3almostdwe qlnresembling3u7 a61black.yj7 kwpOliverq4z 4dfstammeredy8z hrxoutuob jndaxvj g68weak 'what' seeingfps dimthem,thj dlwswallowingwfm johdownuzg ax4hise8f 34onervousness.pmg vkpHedgx 2xwwasn'tz6x t09ay0x aw2coward,t2i l90butojs n3cthe61j 07qaurau7o d0oof4ad l9kintimidationzk9 d7jof1zn y6razj8 br2soonhpi leotoidf pabbezh3 hysthepeq rj7youngest1hv xndgeneralcyu r0yofuzt y8tthea3n a9uempireow4 302was04p 2crheavily6y1 uprdomineering.di3 vr6"Area7h ncayourpl 9cwgoingyxq gyqto9pm xqabetray4vo q2dme, Finley
Oliverg2p 2h7flinched9ug zlwagain,qn4 8ofthe6jx s4pmention261 l9yofpf1 mqihisv71 mjcfamily's659 jegnamesrw es3sent63t 4qishiversjo0 xsjdownh4x j7khiszfw vbespine.0hp z2l"No!7ms qs8Ofup7 lw1coursevfz c0pnot!wg5 f6dBut,xgn 5rcI-620 y4mIt'swlk nbljust-"aip l26Hek4s ufjsighedujf iayatxn9 qzhhisb2x v2fjumbledndh 40hwords,z4e qsmtaking6lz 0dma7lp z6ideeptix xfsbreathv19 jpotonoc 1focalmsvu 8j5himselfqu4 fqtdown.hdn 186"I'm6ar cwsjealouso17 2dkokay?"
Leah85s 8xablinksovk ea6injk4 vlhsurprisei2g v6xat6nv d6khis9ks l6kwords.807 qzd"Of4ra 0xawhat?h7a jmpOfmbv 9rnme?"
He6fv oylshookxhv q9zhis12b k7thead4uc nt2quickly.yl5 6uo"No.vu8 4sdOf8iv qf9theav7 maypeoplewdf z7paround4xw 359you!1bz wgfLeah,7sx kbuyou'rea69 ux5sofdz nwobeautiful.fad oneYou'rerog h6qalsozlf tv4smartavk qh5andopu e13strong.e9n 0txYou're0q1 kvugoing5j3 sojto3cg mndbegqh ixvthezvc tdonextg7b o5jand the42w v62youngest
generalfc1 roxof9fm ou4the2ae pcvempire!vsa lcpI'mpux mj4scaredbcr 5quokay?jue fxcWhatbgl purifvt9 y5eyous89 3ydfound7gm f58someonecvl 1c0betterr8c kf3thanb8e l3imenth 1rxinp43 5o6thean5 z47army?tme ktsWhatb69 eq1ifm64 g4myoumvb temfinallywjt zidthoughthtg bscthataut iunI'm5q4 vthuseless?8i6 4idWhatxyf 58uife38 tuayoui6r m62fell82v pqkforhnw eswsomeonew24 f97bettert3w ksxthanh4l e45me?6id 7j6I-"
Leahcih oxpcuthi6 ba8off0f6 4n5hismt7 ediwordsvnz w56withlpk zvlaf0o 0iykiss,4b2 vruher837 abhlips1se 4vtsoftlyzu3 dtotouchingxpg brohissl2 npgforc6z j09asfh gc8moment,r3o e19onelpb dbioforx pqeher1oc ytbhands9ae 9vngentlyz9j lagtouchingr96 hzxhisxw1 ia4cheekxqy 7i0totsh vkshold8ni u51him,aye cx2before4oj x6mpullingcbw fi3awayngr 58jherhsn 8zoforehead94o azttouching189 o7this.uz7 apjHerf0q o0keyebrowsr7o h46scrunchc7a 92emomentarilyxvb ra1inpds 8clannoyanceyfl ciaat4li tf6thedp8 g6sslighty7f 4g1heighthnx i8ddifference0re k51betweenc47 yoathem.5yu cvh"Oliver,"70d 2a9She0ir e7knoticedaoz jnphe8ny 8daflincheduxl f1iagain,vxz lqzher0sx ce8empty3fs di4handbre 4gwclenched3gs 75wtightlymcz fs6atfk2 ezxthepob l94sight. Wasjm6 uvkshesfr ozmthattwj 2u7scaryapm i1gtodib hkzhim?
"Oliver,p4x yt9Iqic tj7wouldo8e 6kvnevergh2 1vsleaveixk q2cyou."gwn jsfShe3ho ie4looked3o0 5i8intoy7r e5khis43c maweyes,8ne w7rher97n r4qtoneg57 alesoft701 lbfand5fd kjbcomforting.3rx 3ba"Is4t ecxcouldyb0 ftuandmoe qd1would never
leaverl1 c5gyou.1zs 72jWhy84x i8dcan'tfwu h42youixb 8hdtrustbof fxtmeu38 hreond9u bzlthis?"
"In8h 74wdo!1ja lz0Iwp9 e8fdovl2 krwtrust15q 0rgyou,d6y 7vaLeah!48y i03But,8td h7xI-"i9d k21Oliveruqi nskchokedyt3 pn8upu1m wvohis9zq igkwords,ciu t4ktears8zb e93startingzwm 8e3to6mc lrdappear.h48 407"I'mao7 ewyjustya0 um7scaredywh 8kmoneqzp 8ondayu9e acsIt6c p74would3qi 178wakehns ak0upiw2 mi5ando7t r17realizedsut eucthisjzq 8frwasek2 jgeallpia mgpad3o pendream.nat u7zIk10 uefmean,snj gf6howgtp mxpcane0j 5gfsomeoneqxf b8xlike you, aa0l 6pvyoung40o sh7prodigy,6o7 gxewantlpm d2xton5b i1hbeg8j kalwithxgv qmssomeonewqf ntelike me
?x3y 7biEveryonewk2 wg1told963 6uqmef7c visthatxky vhpyou're0xp i9fwith0qu 7elmeovb hj9becauseqvh 6jtyou409 xl5pitylv8 zjhme.76b n9uA-and,z0u hoiIrci ek4just...8ki jn8Id0j 8stdon'tdbk lq5know8cu 4ewwhat12i d4iton5c pogdokox sgxwith1lr vbfmyself.ac2 v6tIp50 um4wantlnk dertosu6 fdcchange,iku 8hjtocji 7nubek4t v3jsomeonearn 9hdworthyz9i shnoft30 brgyou,jyw drvLeah.v7o zigBut,01z hsvI'mgt7 jrgjust...un9 wrbme."
Leahs1r hzksighed,6i1 29fturningjcr onbawayzgk vzitopd0 rstsitj1w m59onpvh h6nthefyi jqwgrasstaz lsqnearbgr c3rthebks s1tlargeelw 7goappleuzf hb3tree.da3 m4xSheex6 v9wpattedf4x rd8hergsi 1rclap460 rlesoftly,pdt o93beckoningaoc r5vOliver78p z5vtofwl 8tqcomebo5 eazover.wxp 5r8Oliver2lq d15followed,u4b xj0restingitw tyshispny w8zhead6lp 35lonhdg boeherbvw ivklap.
"Oliver,173 9v6Iqpw 6doaml3k l8pnotkm1 at1withxqh lrxyouj6i gsebecausebg6 mndI3rc t02pityvez dauyou,"pk3 pujLeahh4s vj3replied,5rx v6iher8s9 2aghande25 i8pgentlydgy x8ecombingt6m ifuthroughjxw 8e0hisles agmcurly78c 2mkgoldenzu2 thehair.pmn 6hy"Ijfc jxfamqmf uxjwithkvr g7kyouf1n u30because5q4 c8hIaqf fr2loveyi0 z1nyou.wza ui2Didvf0 3h4Ia9h jgafallqma fnkforxhi m37youyjr d3kbecausea14 oueyoubaw dw7werex59 j4aperfect?h4n sx0Of6wt spncourseemg 1jwnot.4ha qpjOllie,5uj uy8youemv rycareobv 5szfari7t 2tzfrom9pq se9perfect."yn3 47qHeresb 57slipsxsz nqhtwitchedqp9 amtupwardsmpr g7bslightlyzg4 2jxwhendiy awushecqa xl6sawru9 oaxhis3a8 frzlips8c6 zj8form1l7 3cnaf0a qt4shallowi28 sqwfrown.ygo kr7"But,6pi f4xthat's4kw m7afine.k0x 24oDozqb 8upIurz 89ywant31e 8f5you23b xe3to9op divchange?iyc 3e4Yes.qvd ih1Butc2e 9dmnothly yedbecausex54 h6dImov yf1wantgxs dnuyouauc c7pto0hu pz5be0a9 6bjworthypgy 4kqof5gv 1yrme,tj3 fi9but6fe rjvbecauseu52 5d9Ijas lrcwant9dz nvjyou1at vfito3f4 1z8bejvi bg9a21v splbetter2hd 8v2versionrcn 1ocofd5f 5rvyourself.
Ollie,1e6 cp2youl9v pwhneedz9w vu9toij8 vjerememberuq5 mebthat5vw 5y1you'd0hl xe9always, always belyk ur1worthy3mn uw3of812 jk3me.txc hz1I'm0tn p6rnot1ln kbyperfectkq3 v7reither,5e6 do6yousam az6know?s72 k73Iplg udghavezpd vsjmyq1p 78hflaws0qr ruyands1f bjwyouxpe 2fjneveral3 tgpaskedlcq 10fmepwh q62to2tv uwtchangepav pv7it. Well,orj ydrexceptkc2 yx1thatrq1 3nmoneo6u 19ttimexhw 38syoudq5 meigottg2 cb0angrywf1 hb2atyln 2hxmeql7 4r9for1gj xgrchewingjxw fi3loudly,"ljh 0wiLeah'shxr 3gueyesji5 qh1softenxl1 q3cwhenlgz eo0Oliverf90 ge4let2ab 0yjoutiu6 93vaemd nhfsofteck 0yjsnort.bgo znx"But,3y5 fxpthat'sl54 96dbesidehmf b4athe9ts xbtpoint.rvf w0qOllie,8dh p7dyour54 kaynever9vo 6z5expecty9f o4bmeqd5 b6etonpz 824beuoi 309perfect58z wnxandn9e 3j8I love
youm4f 7y6forjqe piuit."pws egxLeahqnt 9k7placed0sg plnaov1 qfvchastex92 atzkissuse xtsoncq6 opdhisdvb tfoforehead,n96 vh8herqw4 6ndeyeswjo c02flutteringgs7 0e1close19b alyfor82v 2nza1ma 2bxmoment.
"So,5oa 2c6never,zgk t4wever, ever,
doubtfin ba1yourself.uzt lbvOkay?"7nk 6meShe6ux zc4openedw76 re7hermen gyweyes,gdf w03staring4py 3tndownqkx qu4atakd mpqthoseoac wktmesmerizingyaq 53fbrownfk1 3m0eyesntd wexthatiho gxoshe1cy v5ohad9d0 acfhopelesslytnu 9xvfallenwu9 ueffor.z2b f3jOlivergm5 c1mgaveft6 2d9herrl8 kwfa24u g4kshy9uh 9xbnod,yjs eayhis7nf bdhfaceqpk zxcburstingmuw yg2deepiuk rc8scarlet6n3 mnifromqdx rqoher0wd 8jtwords42r qspandbw9 aqgactions.
"Yeah,n4o uchsorry,254 oavLeah.lic 486Iuaj czbguessyxc fpkI8qm 3mnwasko7 9a4just2hc uzxtoobuy r2ganxiousejn kw1becauseawr 3ugI'mqf3 hnfnothing3xz 890comparedleg m7ntoxrc tkcyou."cgv ygmHepcm q9asmileduri rk9sheepishly.
"Besides,"065 2jcHisph6 sxreyesh14 329perkedlfq 4pvupkvc yehto8j3 piwher.dkv ogj"Shouldn'tthm i61itigd k01be me
that'spdk 5zyjealous?cqy vouYou9fz y0phavemlv k18dozensasx 1bgofp4n bpdadmirersrfa xl0ato4k p8zyourvmp amxschool.tln 7vsOh,bp6 n9udon'tje1 2t5giveo1b 1szmehrx k6xthatdvn 78wsurprised9tu m6dlook.vop 4siYount9 bw5think1vb mgsIylz tbodon'tklm 4cyknowh3m co3aboutv2f fvnthose71c ouhlovelrh 4htlettersskr f1qand2x0 8ijgiftsi1t 6lcyoumyl pxhget?dzp 4xoOliver,cm6 ozuyouojf 7bpareucw 6uleverythingf86 murexcept546 05tnothing.c94 c2wMaybe,sud yvxyou're7o6 2lknotuta qzsas7q4 j9osmartr7q 3giasacb o5wme.eqc a3nBut,5ue dp6you're163 f8jsmartgpf 4m0enoughzn8 cu8to49f jw2beisw 726ay3h i82minister,qg1 hywno?obt 8j7You'req5g r8ealsog1a esiincrediblyygf j0phandsome.k1x xc4Charming,4tg ho6too."
Oliver'sxd8 oeaface9k7 xkzturnsgv0 enka9bx 4w1shadeiwb c6zdeeperz9k znehearing2p7 tf1her3se jcawords,4nl 1tfhowever,k7l s4oLeahxu8 41pfrownedgmu ofeat379 zq9hertnd xu1words.479 o3vThe4g7 wsflongerfpj 6m1sheikh e16thought,w9z a9uthewdm 6gwdeepert83 7yfherlpm nz8frownp93 kl9was.
"Leah?"qyh x7zOliver8pa i07looked742 8y1up8ut 5pytombq 09athe93n 2cfgirlyit txowhenypv m6uhej5r 2vbfelt1i9 g2dherb1j g81handse4w m8gstopped.
"Youn31 ampknowi43 jq7what?tmw 20uWe'remth bmpdoingie7 bsxit."2lz gmqShegeo dhgdeclaredgu6 2vcsuddenly,91k wjepushingi90 g69himgvi tyzto56c 74xsit8v4 chsup.
Oliver615 bcxturnedd90 7d9to6sx a71herafn lzminmyl 8wqconfusion.cea yjd"Do3xg 6oiwhat?"
"Thefma ra4vow."79m g65Shejkt dbgreplied,mao 4yvtiltingom9 8rkherarh arohead.ycx p6n"Don'td9y veiyou6o7 blcwantvcd 6ubto?"
"WHAT?!"1v4 krwOliverrkw j0nshout,e32 tmcsurprised.i4e j5n"I-uel vb5Ieyc 0f7mean,j9d tovwe7zm feqdon'tqvn em0need1ds h7gto9qf 2kwifgxr c9myouw1k 49kdon'tiu9 6duwantjeh gtdto.qs1 u15Itfw9 h5nwasw1l vq5agmn rl9momentarym6k 9xfimpulse9wy wrpbecauseb3x hgyI5ui z8twas6wy ibktoomw1 yx9insecure."
"Yeah,iom osrwell,fc2 2z6Ij7b aetwantc61 9vuto.2q4 nvqI,ogl 0c1too,x2z lqgambtx 75sinsecure.jgh 7r1Youqlb unfcould1xf tj1getnam ey0aqig otsbetterulk ex6wife,u69 2jwOllie.0r3 5e4Af7u lidmuchx1g 7ufsofteruxs qoxand1j7 wrdfeminineip8 quhgirl.j9d i0zIo9y gacdon'tn8t r4fthinkb5q 3v0Ijip 5kzcouldytz lhtlet38f afwyous6r 5vtgo,r0k epqever."
"Y-yeah,ph5 qhemecbd jdxtoo.twz o8cBut-"
"So,3hr 5vtwe're6ly 0n3doingvwn 0vathis4hm 2m1then.sk0 9d7Quickly,wxu 5l3let'sm0x n15start."
Oliverkp8 10xquicklybil y3qholdsb0x gd4her6g2 ao3shoulder,uc0 fvshisymh sbxeyebrowsyfp r08scrunchingj0f vgwin2ni nt5worry.8ew db6"Aremnh 4dqyouwo8 glesurev6x j1vabout4qn ukdthis? I
don'thpl oxsmind,8e5 gmpbutvnl mnqthem0y g20price6c1 qgptocho 1cxbreakfrt njua0ht f34vow8px 9tbis8x6 6kueither4gy 9zxdeathk9e 7m8or6t9 o6ja0le kr1curse8hi 6a8closep2c v7htodrh jgcone.0a7 vr9Do2bu 6m0you8oc 3vtwantpgv k6tthat?"
Leahl0t 57ascoffed,4tu 0by"Idl3 1htknow,mjo 2dynotw36 64qthathv4 pblIzyo dnswould ever
betraye8y yhfyourw5 t6nanyway.80c 0okSo,wxu ndlwhat'sjqw qhxtherextp 3kefor6p8 86gmeiht tbato9a5 l3ybe7ve mobscared49s c4hof?"
Oliverc7w ajqgrinnedaoh yqrwidely,icl u95tracesipk jguofwd2 jpehisle4 nr1sorrowjwi whynonq0 l2olongeruez udxthere.vjb 81t"Alright,lun 8q5then.rj4 tb3Lethaw pxmmem9v st9start."
"I,t4e vlnOliverv0c z03Finley,1a2 6xovowx8m 6c9to4e0 v1galwaysq2r rdplove3h4 g74Leah8ai 2dwSherinomw 19wonly,itl lw9throughe9i d1hhappinessrb1 91bandgko 2f7pain.usg w3cEven20c b7tafterk9j gsvdeath,u27 d1cI6rw hqbwill0rt tmlalwaysmgv e1iloves15 d50you."
Leah92k dtpblinkedyi0 tf1twice,8go 706softl9g g4iblushqsf 025dust1fi mj1her2fn yl5cheeksu65 vjiwhen031 gyashe6rk gj8sawrn7 aj6howqrs q94hisygw oseeyesyml v5qglintsdbc 0pdsoftly7dy d8gatf9b 3n0hisk53 l5wlastrkf gp0words.
"I,3c9 f14Leah7bu eh1Sherin,qf4 3h2vowp5o i6vtou8y ymualsoled 2vaalwaysd01 76clovec4n t9yOliverfe0 jc8Finleykf7 xbeonly,lqj 419whether0u6 7ebthroughx6u qe1happinesskha zfaorg5s rd9pain.it4 4j8Eventi6 6ziafter4oc srzdeath,u7e 907I5pm n10willi75 r6kalwaysk05 pwylovet9s 4viyou."
Olivermj6 qvptookqzc p45herwg9 v31handsi37 rlzinnfu gl4his,u1t zahhappinesszu7 sfiradiatedu95 5geinbaw 972heavyi71 muxwavesg3p k93from2zb a6chim.
"Thisg6v dlhis6fm wb2theuob 91zvow936 uzxthat7oi 4lxwemfy k60utterednqy j5ounderdu9 uhfthek09 h7eheavens.76y is0May2ob eywthec6i u8xgodscg2 rcswatchczh yh1over6rc d08usbnd hjvfor3kd w1kourktd fdmvow8g7 v5cwillh29 y6hneverfao 19lbez3o 9rgbrokenm3c kcyand5t0 2adnoiet kbtonewdx lxishall3lb 5whhaveklz slotheeuc pzapowerexw ny6tow92 a7hdo0qb 4lyso."
Together,t4h 8wjtheydgk tjgvowed,c16 wbtsealingosp h51itdon 04vwithjni tb2a961 vo8passionateq81 mzvkiss89o 3rcbetween7o4 yagthe2ch nuepair4th kz8of4gu zj3lovers.
Thisz23 mthvowbjo efbhasycv k2pbeenmyi nu6recordedw97 nd8and4dx 6i2protectedn7t dfoundernt9 maiheaven's20a yo6law98a 4otingel p1xthe7au 078yearb43 m2oof50w ow4473xsm kr0B.C.43c 5i0
Chapter Sebelumnya
Daftar Isi
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Chapter 2
Don't Say You Do.
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Alexandra Prasastia
A.I juga Ingin Punya Perasaan!
Arah Pulang
Dokter dan Chef
Punya Lala
Angin dan Daun Yang Jatuh
In The Nick of Time
Alhamdulillaahi (Manggala)
Salahkah Rinduku
Rajo Angek Garang
Misteri Caraka