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Apakah kamu akan memblokir pengguna BlueLeviatan
Blue Leviatan, is a gamer who plays various genres. He prefers strategy, RPG, MOBA, action, and simulation games. He is enchanted in music, sports, arts, well-versed in science and economic education. He is also an Accounting Lecturer, Financial Consultant, Internal Audit book Author, Boardgames Designer, and Light Novel Writer as per current time. He is an individual who appreciates his life by sharing the joy and fun with surrounding people. His golden rule of life is to love each other unconditionally.
IG @blueleviatan
Love Paint part.3 udah up ya manteman-!!
Jangan lupa di cek, happy reading♥
Jangan jadi silent readers ya-!!
Jangan lupa di cek, happy reading♥
Jangan jadi silent readers ya-!!
araajauu membuat karya baru
Love Paint